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8 Surefire Ways to Beat the January Blues

January can feel like such a tough, never ending month, can't it! The weather is dull and gloomy, here in the UK at least, and many of us feel down in the doldrums and may find it hard to get back into work, after the hustle, bustle and excitement of the holidays. If you're stuck in a rut, things can be done, although it's not always easy to summon up the energy to make a start. However, once you do, you start to feel so much better. It’s important to remember that it’s completely normal to feel like this and that you have total control over your situation. It’s okay to take breaks and practice self-care, but also try to be proactive in changing your situation. Make a list of small achievable goals, start with something simple and then slowly work your way up. Taking action to make positive changes, no matter how small, can help you break out of the rut and feel more energized and motivated.

Here's a few simple yet effective ways to make January a month to enjoy not dread!

Get organized. Sorting out and decluttering your living and work areas will help you start the year off on the right foot.

Get social. Make plans to catch up with friends and family. Talking to people you care about can help you feel more connected and less isolated.

Get creative. Paint, draw or write, just for fun. Express yourself and create something beautiful. No pressure.

Find a hobby. Take up a new hobby or reignite a previous one. It can be anything from making a craft project such as pottery, to gardening or learning to play an instrument.

Get Moving. Get outside for a walk or jog, Go for a walk, breathe in some fresh air, and appreciate the beauty of nature. Take a yoga class, or just do a few simple stretches. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good.

Try something new. Fancy a cooking class or maybe joining a book club to explore something different.

Take some “me” time. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and make time each day to do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading, watching a movie, or spending time with your pet.

Give back. Donate to a charity or volunteer at an organization. Not only will if help make a difference, it will make you feel connected

Hope these ideas help your January feel a whole lot better!

January, the first month of the year. A perfect time to start all over again. Changing energies and deserting old moods. New beginnings, new attitudes.

– Charmaine J Forde

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